examples & use cases

use case examples

screenpipe is a versatile tool that can be applied to a wide range of use cases, from personal productivity to business automation. below are some example workflows that highlight its functionality.

1. ai-powered crm enrichment


you want to automatically enrich your crm (customer relationship management) system with data from your screen interactions.


  1. screen capture: screenpipe continuously monitors your screen activity.
  2. ai analysis: an ai model analyzes the captured screen data in real-time.
  3. crm enrichment: based on the ai analysis, relevant information is automatically added to your crm (e.g., salesforce, notion).
  4. data organization: the ai categorizes and organizes the information within your crm for easy access and retrieval.


  • save time on manual data entry.
  • ensure your crm is always up-to-date with the latest customer interactions.
  • improve the accuracy and completeness of your customer data.

2. ai-powered daily summary


you want an ai assistant to monitor your screen activity and provide a daily summary of your work and activities.


  1. 24/7 screen monitoring: screenpipe captures your screen activity throughout the day.
  2. ai analysis: llama 3.2 (or another ai model) processes and analyzes the captured screen data.
  3. summary generation: the ai generates a comprehensive summary of your daily activities.
  4. email delivery: an automated email containing the summary is sent to you at the end of each day.


  • gain insights into your daily productivity and time allocation.
  • easily track and review your work progress.
  • identify areas for improvement in your daily routine.

3. private transcriptions & meeting summaries


you need to transcribe and summarize meetings while maintaining privacy and using local resources.


  1. meeting capture: screenpipe records the audio and video of your meetings.
  2. local transcription: solar pro 22b (running on ollama) transcribes the meeting audio locally on your macbook.
  3. summary generation: the ai model generates a concise summary of the meeting content.
  4. secure storage: transcriptions and summaries are stored locally, ensuring privacy and data security.


  • maintain privacy by processing all data locally.
  • generate accurate transcriptions and summaries without relying on cloud services.
  • save time by automating the meeting documentation process.

4. meeting transcriptions and summaries


you regularly attend virtual meetings and want to transcribe and summarize them automatically.


  1. capture the meeting: screenpipe records both your screen and audio during the meeting.
  2. transcribe the audio: a pipe automatically runs speech-to-text on the recorded audio to generate a transcription.
  3. summarize the meeting: another pipe processes the transcription using an ai model (like openai or ollama) to summarize the key points.
  4. export to notes: the summarized notes are automatically exported to a note-taking app like notion or evernote for future reference.


  • save time by not manually transcribing and summarizing meetings.
  • keep an organized archive of all meetings.
  • easily search for specific points from past meetings.

5. productivity tracking


you want to analyze how much time you spend on specific tasks or applications throughout the day to improve productivity.


  1. capture screen activity: screenpipe captures your screen activity 24/7, logging which applications you're using and what content is displayed.
  2. tag tasks: a custom pipe tags different activities based on the application and the content on the screen (e.g., work-related apps like excel, emails, etc.).
  3. generate reports: at the end of the day or week, the system generates a detailed report showing how much time you spent on different tasks or applications.
  4. visualize data: the report can be visualized through charts or exported to a tool like excel or google sheets for further analysis.


  • understand where your time goes.
  • identify unproductive patterns and improve focus.
  • set personal productivity goals and track progress.

6. automatic documentation creation


you work in software development and need to maintain documentation of the development process and decisions made during coding sessions.


  1. capture coding sessions: screenpipe captures your screen as you code, including any terminal commands or browser searches.
  2. tag key moments: a custom pipe tags important activities such as code commits, test runs, or bug fixes.
  3. generate documentation: another pipe compiles this information and generates a detailed development log, including screenshots, code snippets, and command outputs.
  4. export to documentation platform: the generated documentation is automatically exported to a platform like confluence or github wiki.


  • automatically document your development process.
  • ensure nothing gets missed during coding or debugging.
  • simplify the process of creating detailed technical reports.

7. compliance and security monitoring


your company needs to ensure that employees are following compliance protocols and that potential security risks are being monitored.


  1. capture screen activity: screenpipe records employee screen activity, focusing on specific applications or workflows that require monitoring (e.g., sensitive data handling).
  2. flag security risks: a pipe automatically scans the captured data for potential security risks, such as the display of sensitive data or the use of unauthorized software.
  3. generate alerts: if any compliance violations or security risks are detected, the system generates alerts that are sent to the it or compliance team.
  4. create audit reports: screenpipe generates audit reports showing compliance with security policies over time.


  • ensure that employees adhere to compliance protocols.
  • detect potential security threats in real-time.
  • generate detailed audit logs to support regulatory requirements.

8. educational material organization


you're a student or researcher who regularly watches video lectures or webinars and wants to easily organize and reference the content.


  1. capture screen and audio: screenpipe captures both the video and audio from the lecture or webinar.
  2. transcribe and tag: a custom pipe transcribes the audio and tags important sections, such as key concepts or references to additional resources.
  3. summarize content: another pipe summarizes the lecture, highlighting the main points and key takeaways.
  4. organize and search: all captured and summarized content is saved in a searchable archive, allowing you to quickly reference specific topics or concepts from previous lectures.


  • quickly reference important points from past lectures.
  • organize educational material in a way that is easy to search and review.
  • automatically create summaries to save time when studying.

9. real-time collaboration and annotation


you work in a remote team and want to collaborate on screen captures and videos in real-time.


  1. capture and share screen: screenpipe records your screen activity and allows you to share the captured data with teammates in real-time.
  2. annotate screen captures: a custom pipe allows team members to annotate shared screen captures, making comments or suggestions directly on the recorded content.
  3. collaborate on edits: the annotated content is shared back, and team members can collaborate on the next steps (e.g., editing a document, fixing a bug, etc.).
  4. track changes: all changes and annotations are tracked, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.


  • improve collaboration with real-time screen sharing and annotation.
  • keep a detailed record of team discussions and decisions.
  • increase efficiency by sharing visual content with annotations.