choose your installation method

methodbest forproscons
apppersonal users, quick setupeasy gui, no terminal requiredless customizable, automatic updates
clidevelopers, automation, scriptingfast, scriptablerequires terminal familiarity

install desktop app

  • download the desktop app and follow the installation instructions.

install cli

curl -fsSL | sh

verify installation

  • run screenpipe or screenpipe.exe to verify successful installation.

query data with javascript sdk

then query the data using our javaScript sdk:

import { pipe } from "@screenpipe/js";

async function queryScreenpipe() {
  // get content from last 5 minutes
  const fiveMinutesAgo = new Date( - 5 * 60 * 1000).toISOString();

  const results = await pipe.queryScreenpipe({
    startTime: fiveMinutesAgo,
    limit: 10,
    contentType: "all", // can be "ocr", "audio", or "all"

  if (!results) {
    console.log("no results found or error occurred");

  console.log(`found ${} items`);

  // process each result
  for (const item of {
    if (item.type === "OCR") {
      console.log(`OCR: ${JSON.stringify(item.content)}`);
    } else if (item.type === "Audio") {
      console.log(`transcript: ${JSON.stringify(item.content)}`);


now download the desktop app and use pipes (plugins) to add more features!

connect to AI providers

screenpipe can connect to various AI providers to process your data. here’s how to set up popular local AI providers:

  1. install ollama from and run your preferred model
# start ollama with your preferred model
ollama run phi4:14b-q4_K_M
  1. then configure screenpipe to use ollama in your settings with model phi4:14b-q4_K_M

that’s it! screenpipe will now use ollama for AI like search, rewind, and more. you can change the model in settings.

verify your ai provider using any pipe in the store!

for developers

if you’re interested in building from source or contributing to screenpipe, please check our contributing guide.

for businesses

some of our customers use screenpipe in the following ways:

  • have existing screen recording software and want enterprise screen search engine
  • want to integrate team’s scale meeting transcriptions
  • want to extract knowledge from enterprise-scale screens
  • running the CLI on their customer’s computer
  • running the app on their customer’s computer
  • embedding the library or CLI in their own software
  • running the CLI in the cloud and forward the video/audio through SSH
  • using our Microsoft Remote Desktop / SSH integration

book a call to discuss your business needs